Last week my mum came from Switzerland to stay here during Easter vacations, so I got to spend some time with her
I was waiting for these holidays to return home too and dye my hair cos the colour had washed out and my hair was blonde again, with a bit of green
I didn't mind it that much, as it looked beautiful, however I still prefer pink hair..
So I dyed it as soon as I came to Athens
The first time I diluted a bit more the hairdye because I decided to use Cerise and it looked a bit dark...Very dark to be honest....
The result was good. The only thing I didn't like was that the ends of my hair were a bit too pastel and it would definitely be blonde after washing it
New shoes...
I really liked my outfit that day
So after that I decided to dye my hair again and make it more vibrant...It ended up a liiiiiiiiiitle more that what I was aiming for but I think in a few weeks it will be back to pretty pale pink again
I took these pics today..I decided to wear something pink to match the hair cos lately I wear a lot of black...
I wanted to take some more pics this week and I didn't manage to
Anyway that's all...
Btw this is a cute barbie body dress I bought..I was expecting it to arrive next week so it was a nice surprise!
bye for now!! enjoy your vacations
Lately I've been listening to Flight of the Conchords. I love their show as well, they're so funny.
This is one of my favourite songs
Flight of the Conchords-Ladies of the world